Friday, August 8, 2008

fighting the good fight

We are on a new journey that will last for generations to come. Ken and I have chosen to live a life-style that will change the course of history. Events from this past summer rocked the very foundation of our lives and the lives of our children. We are born-again, Bible-believing, hearts-on-fire, sanctified Christians and we have totally dedicated our lives to aiding in the survival of the continuation of the Gospel and the message of Christ's redeeming love.

We are thankful to our fellow Bible-believing friends and families that have been a huge support at this crucial time. We are especially thankful to those of you who have turned us on to Vision Forum and Home-Discipleship Christianity. Both of these ministries have had a huge impact on the course in which we have set our focus toward. Vision Forum has given us the expression of what has been in my heart for so long and the support to help us follow through. Home-Discipleship has given Ken the freedom to be the "Pastor" of our home and the vision to help other families along the way.

Both these ministries, along with like-minded friends and family, have been the spring-board to getting us closer to our Heavenly Father and the plans that He has for our life. We are thankful that our God cared enough about us, not only to give us Jesus Christ as a payment for OUR sin, but He gave us the support we will need along the way.

I am truly blessed and look forward to this journey that will last forever!

Be Blessed!


The Murray's said...

Hey Sista!
So glad you joined the blogging ranks. This is a great way to keep up with everyone and to let everyone keep up with you. Now we can check each others blogs on a regular basis. Love ya!
In Him,

Heart On Fire said...

You are the best!!! I just love Ya!!!! Thanks for your undying friendship and support!!!!

Tanya Kenny said...

Hey Grays',
So glad that God has blessed us with your family! Your blog is awesome. Surprises???? Hope to see you soon.